The Everyday Jiu Jitsu Podcast
Join BJJ Black Belt Matt Kwan as we discuss everything you need to know about Jiu Jitsu.
The Everyday Jiu Jitsu Podcast
The Everyday Jiu Jitsu Podcast Ep 25: Situational Sparring With Constraints Feat. Greg Souders
This week I catch up with Jiu Jitsu savant and ecological approach advocate Greg Souders of Standard Jiu Jitsu. We discuss corrections from a previous episode, eco vs techniques (of course), conspiracy theories, and so much more. Personally, I learned a ton from this conversation with one of the most followed coaches in the game today. I hope you like 3-hours episodes; enjoy the show!
Contact/Support The Show:
Website: ejjp.show
Instagram: @theessentialjiujitsupodcast
TikTok: @ejjpod
Email: ejjpod@gmail.com
On Guard Online Academy: https://onguardbjj.com/p/online-academy
Zara Can Do Jiu Jitsu! https://books.friesenpress.com/store/title/119734000253392052/Matt-Kwan-Zara-Can-Do-Jiu-Jitsu%21