The Everyday Jiu Jitsu Podcast
Join BJJ Black Belt Matt Kwan as we discuss everything you need to know about Jiu Jitsu.
The Everyday Jiu Jitsu Podcast
The Everyday Jiu Jitsu Podcast Ep 44: 10 Tips To Optimize Your Culinary Ability
Today is all about the preparation of food! I am a red seal chef in the culinary arts with over 15 years in professional kitchens, and this episode is all about helping you become a better cook. I share with you what I believe to be the 10 biggest tips to improve your culinary ability, my experiences in the industry, and why food is so special to the human experience. Please leave comments in the comment section and enjoy the show!
Culinary Artistry: https://www.amazon.ca/Culinary-Artistry-Andrew-Dornenburg/dp/0471287857
Flavor Bible: The Essential Guide To Culinary Creativity, Based on the Wisdom of America’s Most Imaginative Chefs: https://www.amazon.ca/Flavor-Bible-Essential-Creativity-Imaginative/dp/0316118400
Contact/Support The Show:
Website: ejjp.show
Instagram: @theeverydayjiujitsupodcast
TikTok: @ejjpod
Email: ejjpod@gmail.com
On Guard Online Academy: https://onguardbjj.com/p/online-academy
Zara Can Do Jiu Jitsu! https://books.friesenpress.com/store/title/119734000253392052/Matt-Kwan-Zara-Can-Do-Jiu-Jitsu%21
The Everyday Jiu Jitsu Podcast Store: https://my-store-ee3230.creator-spring.com/
Make a donation to my PayPal account: matt@onguardbjj.com